New Mattress? A Little TLC Goes a Long Way
You've purchased a new mattress and you are thrilled at the prospect of getting a good night's sleep. So, how do you ensure that quality sleep will last? A well-made mattress can last for more than 10 years as long as you are proactive with your mattress care.
To keep your mattress for many moons to come, follow these guidelines from Fosters Mattress and The Better Sleep Council:
- Don't Put a New Mattress on an Old Bed Frame: This is a general rule of thumb. An old frame may have wear and tear of which you are not even aware. By putting your bed on a new base or frame, you'll ensure that it doesn't wear unevenly and disrupt your sleep.
- Install your New Bed Set with Care: We recommend you arrange to have us deliver and install your new bed. The last thing we want is for you to have a sore back the first night you are sleeping on your new mattress! We offer professional delivery and installation - ask us about the details. In the event that you purchase a mattress in a box and choose to transport it and set it up yourself, ask us for advice so you can avoid improper installation and damage.
- Rotate, Rotate, Rotate: Be sure to follow our guidelines on how and when to rotate your bed from end to end. Gone are the days when you had to wrestle with flipping your mattresses.
- Protect Your Bed: Keep your mattress free of moisture, stains, and allergens by simply using a mattress protector from our store. We have a variety of options, including ones that have a cooling component.
- Keep Kids (and Pets) off of your Bed: When kids play on the bed, particularly if they are jumping on it, the interior of the mattress is at risk of damage. Therefore, it's best to keep your bed for yourselves and your sleeping needs. In addition, accidents of all types are more likely when pets or kids sleep in your bed.
- Give Your New Bed Some Time: A new mattress takes a few weeks to break in. The one you tried in the store has usually been there at least several days up to a few weeks so will feel differently than your new bed. We ask that you take 4-6 weeks with your new mattress before making a final decision on comfort.
- Pay Attention to the Care Instructions: Read what the manufacturer recommends for mattress care for your particular purchase. And, while you won't go to jail if you remove your mattress tag, It is often necessary to have in order to not void a warranty - so please leave it on.
- Don't Fix Any Issues Yourself: Repairing a box spring, putting a board under a mattress to make it firmer, or other DIY options will more than likely compromise your mattress. Talk to us if you are wanting to assess any issues with your bed. It's also important to avoid using any harsh cleaning chemicals directly on the mattress, as that may harm the fabric and/or underlying materials. In fact the best way to clean your mattress is by vacuuming it.
We hope you enjoy many nights of deep and satisfying sleep on your new mattress purchase!